Career Analysts
Your Analysis
Aptitude | Personality | Interests | Workplace | Workstyle | Priorities | Learning Style
Study Interests and Gives Information about Careers
Our career change clients come from a variety of different professional backgrounds and experience. You might be a full-time parent returning to work, or perhaps you are looking for a change and need help finding the right career. Our impartial decision making service can guide you in choosing the right path for your future.
Your Profile
The Morrisby Profile is completed entirely online. Arrangements for testing should be made through a Morrisby Certified Career Adviser like Angela Wilson from Career Design Studio. Angela will do a post-testing interview to assist you to synthesise your results, professional experience, qualifications, and personal situation.
What is included?
When you arrange your Morrisby Profile, you will receive access to all the Morrisby assessments plus a follow-up careers interview to receive guidance from Angela Wilson, your professional careers adviser (the duration of these interviews is typically 60 minutes). From our experience, we understand the value in career changers discussing their results, career journey to date, challenges/obstacles and thoughts with a careers professional. You will also receive a ‘login for life’ allowing you to access your account for as long as you need to.
How much does it cost?
A Morrisby Profile and meeting with Angela your careers adviser is $1100 including GST.
The 2nd meeting is a 2 hour unpacking session.
Holistic Career Guidance
The Morrisby Profile does not tell you what you should do. It identifies a range of careers and study areas which suit a blend of your aptitudes, interests, and personality – then provides you with the tools to explore and refine the list of suggestions based on a range of factors including academic attainment.
These results are one view of a person and career guidance is a holistic process. The results support career decision-making alongside other available information, and should be used as a guide and discussion tool only.
Easy Next Step
Organise a time to chat with Angela about your career.